Saturday 9 – With a Little Help From My Friends

Posted on May 9, 2009. Filed under: Mommy Moments |

1. How many of your friendships have lasted more than ten years?
More than a handful.
2. Which of your current friends do you feel will still be important to you ten years from now?

Most of them – I’m pretty picky when it comes to friends, so once you’re in, you’re in.  You know, unless you do something to irritate me.

3. It’s Friday evening and you’re planning your weekend. What’s on your agenda?

I like to go with the flow, but laundry is on the to-do list every weekend.  And now that it’s “summer” — looking forward to being out side.

4. What was the most recent movie to scare you or give you the creeps?

Most “scary” movies are so stupid they laughable.  BUT, Signs still gives me the creeps when I watch it.  I come from the country and believe me, corn fields at night are creepy.  They are so huge — you have no idea what is in them.  Large barns – also creepy at night.  The movie pulls together some really great elements to suggest that things are wrong, and pretty soon the hair on my neck is standing on end.

5. Finally, the new cast and movie of Star Trek are out. Excited or indifferent?

Have I mentioned I’m a geek – I love sci fi. 

6. Do you have any nervous habits?

I have a hard time sitting still and I’m always moving one of my legs or feet.  If I’m sitting barefoot, I’ll rub my toes together and criss-cross them which drives BigD insane.  Hilariously, our little Punk has the habit as well.

7. Do you swear in general?

Now that we have kids, I’ve really tried to curb the habit, but I do have a couple of favorites that sneak out now and then.  Shit, and the f-bomb.

8. Do you swear on your blog?

This was my first time.  I’m no longer a blog non-swearing virgin.  Should I cry now?

9. Does it bother you when you read a post with curse words?

Depends – if used appropriately….meaning they are key to the story, no.  But when they are thrown in for the heck of it, what’s the point.

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Good answers. Hope you’ve got the laudry out of the way now. Agree with you on #9. Have a great Mother’s Day.

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